Mission - What are we?
We are a Jesus formed community on mission.
Vision - Where are we going?
Our aim is to see the gospel saturate our lives and our county so that everyone has a decisive encounter with Jesus.
Values - Why?
A value is why you do what you do… you know your values by where you put your time, your money, and your resources.
We believe in Jesus, & that His life, death, & resurrection has changed everything.
He invites us into a new life & a new way of living.
So we practice discipleship together by seeking to be with Jesus, become like Jesus, & do the things Jesus did.
Our primary goal as followers of Jesus is learning to live in a constant state of connection to the Spirit. This is how we are able to be with Jesus. We invite him into every moment, bringing His presence into the routine of your daily life. To be with Jesus means we live all of our life focused on His word, Spirit, work, and kingdom. To experience the life of Jesus, we must adopt the lifestyle of Jesus. So we pursue Him by abiding prayer, intentional practices, and spiritual growth.
We pursue Jesus:
We seek Jesus and His kingdom first & spend time with Christ personally & together as a community.
His Spirit increasingly leads us & we increasingly bear fruit of the spirit in our lives.
John 15:1–11 (ESV)
We pursue counter-formitive spiritual practices:
We worship Jesus with all of our life.
Knowing & obeying God through regular time in his word;
Depending on the Spirit through prayer and fasting;
Pursuing creativity, beauty, & various forms of worship;
Prioritizing intentional time for Sabbath and reflection.
We pursue spiritual growth:
Seeking holiness, repentance, & forgiveness;
Loving God, each other, our neighbors, & our enemies;
Viewing our life circumstances (like marriage, singleness, parenthood, gender, job, etc.) through the lens of scripture and Christian community.
Become Like Jesus
How do we actually do what he did? As apprentices of Jesus, we are called to not only follow Jesus in spirit but we are called to continue his work on earth as it is in heaven. This means adjusting our priorities to match His, being intentional with our relationships and actively engaging in making disciples.
We pursue Gospel Fluency:
Boldly but humbly speaking & receiving the good news of Jesus’ life, death, & resurrection into every facet of believers’ & unbelievers’ lives.
Always be ready to give an answer.
We are adopted, chosen and sent:
We are a family of missionary servants.
In Christ we have been adopted into the family of God and given access to the Father of Glory.
We are chosen as servants. Jesus is Lord and we are his Servants.
We serve those around us as though we are serving Jesus.
In doing so, we give a foretaste of what life will be like under the rule and reign of Jesus Christ.
Living as servants to the King who serve others as he served, presents a tangible witness to Jesus’ kingdom and the power of the gospel to change lives.
We serve in such a way that it demands a Gospel explanation – lives that cannot be explained in any other way than by the Gospel of the Kingdom of Jesus.
God’s family is also sent like the Son by the Spirit to proclaim the good news of the kingdom – the gospel – and fulfill the commission of Jesus.
As missionaries we radically reorient their lives together for the mission of making disciples of a particular people and place where there is a gospel gap (no consistent gospel witness).
This means our schedule, resources and decisions are now collectively built around reaching people together.
We are, as Eugene Peterson describes the Church, “a colony of Heaven in the country of death.”
We pursue a lifestyle marked by the Gospel:
We use our homes, time, & possessions for God’s people & purposes.
We strengthen each others’ gifts & use our own to help others thrive;
We financially give toward God’s mission & ministry;
We inconveniencing ourselves for the wellbeing of others
We intentionally break down dividing walls; giving voice & resource to fight injustice & reconcile brokenness;
We seek relationship, assistance, & faith with those on society’s fringes.
Do What Jesus Did
The hope of the New Testament is all-of-life transformation into the image of Christ but this does not happen by osmosis, it requires intentionality. To become like Jesus means we give up our lives for God & others. So we pursue gospel fluency, identity, & activity. We must be increasingly possessed and permeated by the character traits of Jesus. Allow yourself to be transformed, from the inside out, as you work to become like Jesus.
We pursue kingdom priorities:
We fight the temptation to excess, distraction, busyness, & shallowness & devote ourselves to counter-cultural things God calls his people to value, both personally & together as a community.
We work diligently, live simply, and give generously.
We pursue real relationships:
BOTH in Sunday gatherings & in everyday life.
We value each others different gifts, perspectives, & experiences, as vital to our lives & growth as disciples.
We pursue discipleship:
Practicing the Bible’s “one another’s” often;
Taking responsibility for each other’s growth;
Being trained to follow the ways of Jesus;
Being sent to make disciples & multiply churches.
We take ownership for each other’s holistic growth as spiritual siblings. While elders shepherd & equip the flock, we all commit to grace-filled, Christ-centered peer relationships with a few other disciples text goes here