Join Refuge this Sunday
Sunday Service from 4pm - 6pm
We fellowship together every Sunday afternoon from 4:00-6:00pm. Service begins with a few songs of worship and announcements concerning Refuge life + our community. The second half of the service includes Bible readings, preaching from the Bible, communion, and a few final songs of worship. Refuge Kids classrooms are open for ages 1-9. Student Ministries is open for grades 5-8.
Main Chapel of Santa Rosa Bible Church
We are a local community of Christians seeking to simply follow Jesus in every area of our lives. We believe that this is the single focused task of the Church and each and every individual Christian - to Simply Follow Jesus. We are a church community located in Santa Rosa, Sonoma County - a place filled with vineyards, redwoods, incredible landscape, but most of all people who God dearly loves and wants to reach with his Good News.
Santa Rosa Bible Church, 4575 Badger Road in Santa Rosa.
Get Directions.
Digital Sermons
Listen to our sermon recordings from every Sunday service.
Daily Prayer Rhythm
Whether together or apart we can unite our hearts in prayer. As we adopt this rhythm of daily prayer we will be praying similar things at similar times each and everyday. And as we constantly pray we will begin to suddenly hear the sound of the Holy Spirit in us and through us.
Refuge News
Stay up-to-date with Refuge ministries and events!