Refuge Christian Fellowship

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This past Sunday we met together to grieve, worship, pray, and trust anew in God’s goodness and promises. As we did so, we were reminded of God’s promise to be exalted in all the earth, to bring about good and blessing even through evil and destruction.

As we learned from our study, “God over the Storm,"

God is doing good, and will do good through every tragedy and trial that believers go through.

Not only that but God also uses trials to shake the church and the world out of complacency and disbelief so that we might come to trust in him - which is the greatest thing that can happen in our lives. As Augustine says, “For God is the perfect place of peace that cannot be disturbed.” Throughout history, God has used tragedy to bring great renewal and revival to the world and I believe that he will do it again. 

But what is revival?

I was reminded this morning of Tim Keller’s definition of what takes place in revival. He says, “In Revival - sleepy Christians wake up; nominal Christians get converted, and hardcore skeptics are attracted to the beauty of Jesus Christ through the church."

Let us pray that from this tragedy God will bring great renewal and revival to Santa Rosa! We have already seen him do so many beautiful things through this tragedy, we believe that there are even greater things yet to come!

Let us pray. Let us pray for Revival!

- Char